CorrotecX Bearing Steel

CorrotecX Material

CorrotecX is a martensitic cold work steel that has undergone pressure nitriding, rendering it exceptionally resistant to corrosion in demanding environments.

Applications requiring robust performance under harsh conditions, such as exposure to aggressive chemicals or salt spray, benefit from its properties. With hardness reaching up to 60 HRC, CorrotecX offers superior durability under both static and dynamic loads. Its uniform structure facilitates easy machining processes like grinding and honing, while its high thermal stability post-heat treatment ensures consistent performance. Compared to traditional cold work steels, CorrotecX exhibits a remarkable combination of corrosion and wear resistance, making it ideal for a wide array of challenging applications. Its diverse characteristics position CorrotecX as the material of choice for various demanding.

Typical Applications

  • Medical Engineering
  • Dental Industry
  • Vacuum Technology
  • Aerospace Industry
  • Measurement & Control Technology
  • Food Industry
  • Chemical Industry
  • Machine Tools

Advantages to Use

  • Significantly longer service life
  • Highest corrosion resistance
  • Improved mechanical properties due to a very fine structure
  • Quieter running characteristics
  • High temperature resistance
  • High chemical resistance