Case Study

Ion Beam Applications (IBA)

Our customer Ion Beam Applications (IBA) first came to CeramicSpeed in 2018. IBA develops and manufactures highly sophisticated equipment for proton therapy – equipment used to cure cancer. One key component of IBA products is the cyclotron and inside the cyclotron a spinning mass is supported by ball bearings. The ball bearings operate in a fierce environment with combined influence of vacuum, high temperatures, high rotational speed and high radio frequency field bringing high voltage in the system. 

The challenges the team was facing constituted inter alia to make bearings last in this harsh environment. We are particularly proud to have been able to contribute to the development of heavy-duty bearing systems with a proven effectiveness exceeding 12-months service interval of customers’ cyclotrons. A huge success to both IBA and CeramicSpeed staff. 

As a result of our combined efforts, even more patients in need can now receive treatment with proton therapy, one of the most advanced forms of radiation therapy to treat cancer.

Technical Highlights

  • Environment: Vacuum, 160°C temperatures, strong magnetic field, high Radio Frequency Electric Field (2kV) across the bearings 
  • Shaft speed: 7500 rpm 
  • Solution: CeramicSpeed hybrid bearing; customized clearance and customized ball cage
  • Lubrication: high vacuum and high temperature grease